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System L

Overview over the four Traution Traction Systems
This graphic shows the variants of the L_System.

System L can be recommended, when the System U is restricting the ground clearance too much or when the vehicle's climbing abilities, e.g. over fallen tree trunks, need to be better then with the System U. The ability to climb is improved because the feet are located in front of and / or behind the wheels which lets them loom over the obstacle when the vehicle is standing near the barrier.
Furthermore, the fact that the feet are hanging far above the ground enables the possibility to equip the feet with a very rough and deep traction profile that can penetrate deeply into soft ground in order to cling to it effectively.

System L: fixed forward-backward

A tractor or other agricultural machine, like a combine, can now get unstuck no matter how deep the mud is when it has got a Traution traction system for the roughest off-road conditions. Getting stuck is impossible in every cross-country condition also in sand and snow thanks to the superior traction of the rescue system. All-terrain is now fun with the greatest grip possible.
A wheel loader construction vehicle is stuck but gets unstuck quickly with its built-in Traution traction system in deep sand all-terrain conditions. The traction is provided by a recovery device for mud and snow to give it grip in cross-country situations. The rescue system is therefore even more effective than a four wheel drive.

Whenever applicable, the best variant of System L would be the fixed version that is assembled to the front or rear of the vehicle. Fixed means that the vertical lifting units which contain the extendible feet are not tiltable or otherwise moveable and are merely able to hydraulically shift forward and backward in the horizontal rails. The horizontal rails are mounted to the vehicle at places where they don't perturb, e.g. to the under-floor or in case of trucks possibly between the support frame and the truck bed.

Due to its simple structure, the fixed version is robust, low-cost and lightweight compared to other L-Systems.
The disadvantage of the fixed version is apparent in the pictures:

The vertical lifting units require space in front of or behind the vehicle and there needs to be space for the horizontal rails somewhere. So in the worst case they take away some ground clearance. Some vehicles need to take attachments with them at their rear, e.g. tractors. Others need space in their rear area for loading and unloading. And dump trucks need to be able to dump backwards. In these cases, the vertical lifting units might be in the way and a more complex L-System is needed (see the other versions below).

ATV in rough off-road condition with an activated Traution traction system which is an all-terrain recovery device so that a UTV cannot get stuck anymore. A buggy can get unstuck any time in every cross-country situation because the rescue system hat fabulous traction and grip.
Claw adapter with rough traction profile for maximum traction and grip.

The structure of the fixed version of the L-system is simple and robust. Horizontal guide rails are mounted to the vehicle in which guide rods can retract and extend. The exertable advance forces are high and can be adjusted to the vehicle type by properly dimensioning the horizontal hydraulic cylinders.

Vertical guide rails are attached to the horizontal guide rods. In these vertical guide rails are the traction feet with their very rough profile located wich can be extended downwards. The feet cling deeply to the ground and lift the vehicle. Then the horizontal cylinders are activated and push or pull the vehicle forward or backward. Finally the vehicle is lowered again and the horizontal rods retract and the cycle can start over again and can be repeated as often as necessary, until the vehicle is able to drive again.

Traution traction system in its fixed L-variant.

System L: lengthwise tiltable forward-backward

Pickup trucks and flat beds getting stuck is old school because now there is the Traution traction system which is a recovery device that enables any vehicle to get unstuck in the hardest off-road situation and the deepest snow. The rescue system is mounted on the bed and can be activated then the cross-country sand and mud gets too heavy so that the traction is dramatically increased. The rescue device provides the highest grip.

In its lengthwise tiltable version, the vertical lifting units, including the feet, can be swung out in the vehicle's longitudinal direction. This enables a space-saving attachment of the system to fitting areas of the vehicle, what makes it possible, not to have the need to mount the System L to the front or rear. Thereby the original dimensions of the vehicle (length, width, height) are not altered. This variant is therefore especially suitable for pickup trucks and other vehicles with a loading bed, provided that the bed is seldomly used for the transport of load.

In the non activated, retracted state, the vertical lifting units are positioned horizontally above the longitudinal shifting cylinders. This causes the system to disappear on the bed to be hardly visible when the tailgate is closed.
In case you need to use the bed for load and don't want the L-System to take away space, you can mount the variant with telescopic cylinders and rails that is smaller. The tiltable version doesn't need to be registered in countries where changes of the vehicle must be recorded in the papers, because it counts as load. You can mount and dismount the system on your bed quickly because it is delivered as a block with only a few screws to tighten.

The tiltable L-variant of the Traution traction system in the retracted state.

System L: transversely tiltable right-left

Fire engine from the fire department is stuck in mud but thanks to the great traction of the attached Traution traction system it gets unstuck in the blink of an eye. The grip in any off-road condition is phenomenal because the rescue system is designed for the roughest cross-country all-terrain situations.
An emergency response vehicle in the form of a fire truck has no problem with getting stuck anymore. For off-road and cross-country paths there is a Traution traction system assembled which is a rescue device to get unstuck out of snow, mud and sand quickly. Thus all-terrain is now without any danger. The recovery system is there whenever the activation button is pushed to turn on the traction and grip.
A fire truck from the fire brigade is stuck but gets unstuck fast in any off-road area due to its on-board Traution traction system for superior traction. The grip of this rescue device is amazing in cross-country and all-terrain dirt roads so that deep mud, sand and snow is no problem. Every emergency response vehicle needs this recovery system because every second counts.

In the transversely tiltable variant, the vertical lifting units can be tilted crosswise to the vehicles longitudinal direction. This causes the vertical lifting units in their deactivated states not to disturbingly loom upward where they would be hindering loading in the rear or restrict the visibility in the front. This also enables you to lift yourselft out of a stuck situation sideways. Furthermore the attachment of the L-System in the front (together with one on the rear) makes it possible to lift the vehicle completely which gives you the maximum possible traction.

This ATV needs to get free quickly when it got stuck in deep mud off-road, so the driver activates the Traution traction system with high traction. This recovery system gets any buggy unstuck on any all-terrain dirt road due to its massive grip. The rescue device is perfect for sand and snow in all cross-country paths. The UTV doesn't need to be a four by four with four wheel drive.
Traution traction system in its sidewise tiltable variant in the retracted state.

System L: tiltable forward-backward and right-left

Celebrities and rock stars not only cannot get stuck but can also climb over obstacles with their stretch limousine when the limo has a Traution traction system. This way, they get unstuck out of any slippery situation off-road and cross-country because it is a recovery device. Get rescued out of sand, mud and snow on every all-terrain dirt road.

In the high-end-variant of the L-System, the vehicle can be shifted forward-backward as well as right-left in the lifted state. The vertical lifting units are not mounted to the lenghtwise extendible guide rods but to transverse guide rods whereat these rods are on their part mounted to the longitudinal guide rods. Thus an X-Y-motion of the vehicle is enabled. In addition to that the vertical lifting units can be transversally or lengthwise tiltable, in order to place them space savingly in their deactivated state, e.g. on the roof.

System L: Telescopic rails and / or telescopic lifting units

This four by four Jeep is stuck in deep snow which is no problem because it has a Traution traction system to get it unstuck out of any off-road danger. This recovery system also for cross-country dirt roads is perfect for any four wheel drive all-terrain vehicle due to its hyper grip. The rescue system provides traction in mud and sand and is not only for all wheel drive cars.
Expedition vehicle is getting unstuck easily off-road in mud, sand and snow due to its Traution traction system which is a recovery system. Any camper or caravan cannot get stuck with this rescue device any more because it provides enough traction especially for all-terrain dirt roads. Also for cross-country does the mobile home not even have to have a four wheel drive because the grip is so high.

If you don't want to place your L-System on the vehicle's exterior and there is only little space available for the placement of it in its deactivated state, the telescopic variant of the L-System would be an appropriate choice, preferably combined with a tilting functionality.
There, the horizontal guide rods and / or the vertical lifting units for the feet are not one-piece, but can shift into one another telescopically. You have the choice between only horizontal telescope bars or only telescopic vertical lifting units or both combined.
As in the before described systems, the vertical lifting units can contain an additional tilting functionality, by what the complete system becomes so compact that it fits inside an SUV-trunk. The further benefit of this is that this kind of system counts as load and doesn't have to be registered in the pertinent countries.

The upper left picture shows a lengthwise tiltable telescopic system with telescopic telescopic horizontal rails and telescopic vertical lifting units. In principle it is not much different from the before described "System L: lengthwise tiltable forward-backward" but in an especially compact type.
The lower left picture shows another sub-variant with an additional functionality which lets the entire unit tilt backwards around a vertical axis before its activation. This way, the horizontal rails can be stored space-savingly crosswise to the vehicle's longitudinal direction while driving.

The left picture sche-matically shows  the telescopic unit which can be tilted around a vertical axis whereat its lifting rails can be tilted around a horizontal axis, according to the picture of the expedition truck above.
The right picture shows the unit developed for SUV-trunks, according to the upper picture of the Jeep in the snow.

Tiltable Traution traction system in its telescopic variant that is also sidewise tiltable.
Tiltable Traution traction system in its telescopic variant.

System L: for very little ground clearance

Luxury car and limousine gets stuck in mud off-road but not for long. The reason is its built-in Traution traction system which is a recovery system that provides great traction on any dirt road out cross-country. Also for sand and snow the car can get unstuck quickly by lifting it that provides the ability to climb. The rescue system is perfect for all-terrain not only for four by four and all wheel drive vehicles like the Mercedes S-class..

Some kinds of cars cause special conditions:
1.) The relevant car has got very little ground clearance so that the System U cannot be applied.

2.) The system must not be visible, for example in order not to impair the car's good appearance. That's why most of the other L-, T and R-Systems drop out.

3.) The trunk is very small so that the tiltable telescopic unit drops out too.

For these cases, we developed a system especially suitable for sports cars, limousines and compact cars.

It is stored either in the trunk or in the cabin. It works like a fixed "System L forward-backward", but the vertical lifting units exit the car through an opening in the under-floor when activated. The opening is sealed with rubber sleeve mats so that no dirt or water can enter the car. In the deactivated, retracted state, the vertical lifting units  completely disappear in the car's interior.

Traution traction system in its L-variant for cars with very little ground clearance.

Optional accessory

In most cases, thanks to their rough profile, the traction feet permit an advancement after your tires started spinning hopelessly. For the most extreme conditions, we offer add-on-systems which close down together with the feet. After the feet are extended completely, these additional piles can penetrate the ground even deeper. This can be helpful when you got stuck in mud that is as soft as cream of wheat. These add-on-systems enter the ground deeply and find a better hold in deeper layers. There they act as ground anchors.
The traction of the feet decreases with their distance from the vehicle's center of gravity. For example when the feet of a rear-mounted L-System extend backwards on the horizontal rails, they lose more grip the further they move away from the vehicle. Here the add-on-systems can provide for a better grip.


This Traution traction system has got an additional auger mounted to it to provide even more traction in the toughest off-road-conditions and the deepest mud.

One variant of an optional add-on-system are augers. They rotate while they extend downward and screw themselves into the ground.

As an optional accessory this Traution traction system hat added augers so that the grip is increased even more.

Electric or hydraulic hammers:

This Traution traction system has optional hydraulic or electric jack hammers to force its accessory piles deep into the ground.

Alternatively to the augers, there can be add-on-piles extending further downward than the feet which can optionally be powered by an electric or hydraulic hammer in addition to that. It hammers the piles into the ground when the weight of the vehicle isn't enough to push them downwards.

To be honest:

In our test drives the following behavior happened mostly:
When the ground is so hard that the add-on-system would need to be hammered or turned so that it can penetrate into it, the feet create sufficient grip without the add-on-system and it is not needed.

And when the ground is so soft that the piles of the add-on-system can extend into it without hammering or turning, then the hammering- or turning-mechanism isn't needed either.
That's why we recommend you to have a consultation with us before deciding whether you really need a hammering or turning mechanism on your add-on-system or whether you need an add-on-system at all.

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